Infrastructure investments and economic development

Journal Title: Współczesna Gospodarka - Year 2016, Vol 7, Issue 1


Economic development of the country brings an increasing standard of living, increasing production capacity and also bigger public safety. Economic development also causes changes in the structure of Gross Domestic Product as well as changes in the structure of employment. Regarding the fact that the economic development is a longtime process of changes that happen in economy and refers to both quantitative and qualitative changes it should be stimulated by proper investments. The aim of this article is to present a role of infrastructure investments in economic development. The concept of economic development, infrastructure investments and their mutual influence is presented.

Authors and Affiliations

Ewelina Kochaniak


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How To Cite

Ewelina Kochaniak (2016). Infrastructure investments and economic development. Współczesna Gospodarka, 7(1), 63-70.