Innovation, Low Carbon Development and Green Growth
Journal Title: Journal of Business Thought - Year 2018, Vol 9, Issue
Developedanddevelopingcountriesareincreasinglybeingthreatenedbyglobalimbalance,foodcrisis,waterscarcity,energycrisis,andglobalwarming.Giventhepresentscenario,thereisanincreasingneedforbuildinginnovationandentrepreneurialecosystemsinnewtechnologyandproductareas.Three'driversofchange'needtobeharnessedtoovercomemarket,policyandinstitutionalbarrierstolowcarbongrowth-raisingresourceefficiency;increasinginvestmentininfrastructure;andstimulatinginnovationintechnologies,businessmodelsandsocialpractices.Thekeyfactorininnovationecosystemforlowcarbondevelopmentisgovernmentpolicytoincentivize newproductandtechnologydevelopment.
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