Innovations in public government: category-methodological aspect
Journal Title: Публічне управління та митне адміністрування - Year 2017, Vol 2, Issue
The problem of conceptual support of the research of innovations in public gov-ernance is considered. The main concepts are highlighted, which are key for an ade-quate reflection of this problem in the process of scientific analysis of managerial in-novations. It is shown that the most important are such concepts as innovation, mana-gerial innovation, innovation process, innovation sphere, innovative activity. The ne-cessity of attraction of methodological tools of innovative management for the analy-sis of changes in the system of public administration is substantiated. Innovations in management are of a procedural nature, serving as an innovation process. The category of the innovation process plays an important methodological role, since it reflects the dynamic aspect of innovation. The most theoretical and methodological load is the concept of “innovation” and its sectoral specification –“managerial innovation”. Through innovative activities implemented in each system, including the system of public administration, the potential for self-development. The innovative sphere in relation to the investigated object is a special subsystem of re-production of social and managerial functions, a special institutional unity within the system of public administration. The above described concepts create a categorical network of analysis of innovations in the system of public administration
Authors and Affiliations
С. В. Якименко
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