Innovations in the supervision of communal companies


The article presents discussion around the essence and meaning of innovation of organizational concerning ideas of the owner’s supervision of communal companies. The presentation of methods of economic theories in the context of the innovation, and also detailed analysis of legal and organizational conditions which generate organizational innovations, being the source of practical solutions. The whole of the problem is embedded in the context of the problems of the corporate supervision and its specific i.e. the owner’s supervision of special communal companies (SCC). Also, it presents conditionings of the kelter of these companies with the regard of the EU and national solutions, also sources of evaluation criteria the effectiveness of performed owner’s supervision have been presented. In the further part of the article one presented the case study of the kelter of two SCC and presents the frame-model of the supervisory structure on the example of empirical research. The purpose of the research described in the article is the evaluation of the existing system of the owner’s supervision of special communal companies, realizing the order “in house” and presentation of the idea of the owner’s supervision performed by individuals of local government (LG) over these companies, along with defining the conditions of their use. The final part of the article presents conclusions of the research.

Authors and Affiliations

Kazimierz Barwacz


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How To Cite

Kazimierz Barwacz (2015). Innovations in the supervision of communal companies. Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie, 26(1), 11-21.