Innovative factors and competitiveness of the dairy cattle industry

Journal Title: Економіка АПК - Year 2018, Vol 6, Issue


The purpose of the article is to evaluate the impact of the introduction of innovative technology solutions for the non-binding maintenance of cows and the mechanization of processes in breeding dairy farms in Ukraine on the indicators of the efficiency of their functioning. Research methodology. To achieve this purpose, a base of indicators characterizing the level of development of the breeding part of the livestock of the cows of the three most numerous specialized breeds of dairy breeds (Ukrainian black- and –red-rump dairy, Holstein) has been formed in 243 breeding farms of Ukraine. The database of indicators of economic evaluation of the pedigree dairy industry, which contains indicators of production and economic activity of 19 breeding farms for the breeding of cattle dairy production, has been defined. In the research process methods of economic analysis and content analysis of scientific sources have been used. Research results. The results of the study substantiate the conclusion that the introduction of the newest technological solutions for industrial dairy production in the conditions of large-scale farms of Ukraine provides improvement of physiological indicators of health and reproduction of cows, the growth of quantitative and qualitative indicators of their productivity, reduction of resource costs for production in natural and monetary terms, increase of feed conversion, which provides growth of profitability indicators and profitability of industry. The further development of breeding farms for specialized breeds of dairy stock should be aimed at creating economically profitable animals and introducing innovative technologies for their maintenance, feeding and exploitation. Elements of scientific novelty. It has been established that the main factor of milk production increasing under the conditions of introduction of innovative technologies is the growth of milk productivity level of cows. On average, the milk productivity of cows increased by 1043 kg on the farms with innovative technological solutions introduced. Practical significance. The introduction of the latest innovative technological solutions for the industrial production of milk provides an increase in milk revenues by increasing the productivity of cows and raising the prices of sales of products with higher qualitative characteristics, which made it possible to increase the profit from the sale of milk by 2.3 times, profitability – by 1,3 times. Tabl.: 5. Refs.: 16.

Authors and Affiliations

Olha Kruglyak


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How To Cite

Olha Kruglyak (2018). Innovative factors and competitiveness of the dairy cattle industry. Економіка АПК, 6(), 76-86.