Innovativeness in food industry in the European Union and Poland


The paper presents major issues related to innovativeness of the Polish food industry on the background of the entire industry and the European Union. The EU framework programme for the benefit of competitiveness, and the adjusted Lisbon Strategy formulate the strategic objective of stimulating innovativeness in the European Economic Area (EEA). After discussion of theoretical issues related to innovatics and innovations, the level of innovativeness of the Polish industry has been analysed. On the basis of presented measures, the author finds low level of innovativeness of the industry, apparent especially in comparison with many other countries. The situation is similar in the food industry, even though its major restructuring and modernisation occurred in the system transformation period. It is confirmed with the analysis of changes in this branch of industry in 1990s and later. In the light of Rzeczpospolita daily paper List 2000 ranking and comparisons of innovativeness in the enterprises of our food industry in the years 2006 and 2009, unfavourable trends in this field are apparent. However, the world-scale financial crisis and recession in business in the years 2008–2009 had effect on this situation. It is also worth noting that Poland evaded these threats after joining the EU and one of the reasons was that it became a major exporter of agricultural products and food in Europe and in the world.

Authors and Affiliations

Jan Siekierski


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How To Cite

Jan Siekierski (2011). Innovativeness in food industry in the European Union and Poland. Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie, 17(1), 223-234.