Effect of lameness on economic parameters in Holstein-Friesian cows


Lameness has a detrimental effect on herd productivity, and is second only to mastitis in this respect. The objective of this study is to calculate the cost of different types of lameness. This would enable effective decision making of whether it may or may not be economically optimal for a cow to be kept in the herd, inseminated, culled or replaced. The animals included in the survey were reared in different variants of free-range production systems. For the purposes of the study, cows from three farms were divided into two groups—cows with diagnosed lameness, and healthy cows over the 305-day lactation period. According to the results of the survey, the revenues from dairy cows with lameness were reduced by up to 15%, whereas the expenses per animal were higher by up to 17%. Treatment costs of affected cows were increased from 1.5 times at the second farm to 17.3 times at the third farm. The absolute economic results (profit per cow) in lame cows were reduced by 23.8% at the second farm and by 28.9% at the first farm. Cost effectiveness in healthy cows was by 11.6% higher for the second and by 32.6% higher for the first farm. The production costs of 1 litre milk in lame cows were increased by 17.1% (third farm) and by 29.3% (second farm).

Authors and Affiliations

Konstantin Stankov


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Konstantin Stankov (2014). Effect of lameness on economic parameters in Holstein-Friesian cows. Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie, 25(2), 195-201. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-132098