Інституційна природа загальнообов’язкового державного соціального страхування

Journal Title: Форум права - Year 2017, Vol 48, Issue 5


На підставі аналізу соціально-економічної, фінансової та правової природи страхування, розглядаються фінансово-правові особливості соціального соцстрахування, як виду публічного страхування. З’ясовується сутність соціального страхування і надається авторське поняття. На основании анализа социально-экономической, финансовой и правовой природы страхования, рассматриваются финансово-правовые особенности социального соцстрахования, как вида публичного страхования. Выясняется сущность социального страхования и предоставляется авторское понятие. The study of the legal nature of the insured relations of insurance leads to the conclusion that it is a complex legal institution that accumulates different legal norms regulating relations in various types of insurance activities. Consideration of insurance activity within market conditions requires the legal guarantees of social protection of citizens, legal entities, and cannot be limited solely to the legal regulation of the insurance services market, but requires the development of public insurance, the variant of which is statutory state social insurance. The analysis of the current legislation establishes that the types of social insurance depending on the insured event include the following: pension insurance, insurance in connection with a temporary disability, medical insurance, accident insurance in industries and occupational diseases that caused disability, insurance in the case of unemployment and other types. The development of state-owned insurance form arises along with the market form and affects the state of market insurance relations. It has been revealed that social insurance, which is carried out in the process of formation, distribution, and use of public financial resources, has a purely compulsory legal nature since it is carried out at the expense of obligatory fees. Social insurance covers the flow of financial resources from ensuring a party to underwriters, and then when certain law-based events occur from underwriters to insuring party. Thus, in the course of the movement of insurance funds, they can be accumulated and form separate money funds in the financial system of the state. The movement of these funds, the powers of the involved subjects are regulated by a range of financial and legal norms since the object of legal regulation – is the state financial resources. It has been determined that social insurance, as a form of public insurance, consisting as a state form of insurance, along with a market format the financial services market, is the institution of financial law with inherent peculiar features, forms, principles, and functions. The legal principles for the formation of insurance payments under social insurance, as well as the directions for their use, which provide the most important social needs of the population and make up the financial and legal requirements of the social insurance institution, need to be improved.

Authors and Affiliations

О. В. Старосельцева


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  • EP ID EP306230
  • DOI 10.5281/zenodo.1204430
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How To Cite

О. В. Старосельцева (2017). Інституційна природа загальнообов’язкового державного соціального страхування. Форум права, 48(5), 375-381. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-306230