Institutionalization of the system of safety of governing bodies in Ukraine
Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2018, Vol 9, Issue 1
Safety – the main principle of the formation of the entire array of legal regulation of the most ancient types of human activity – seafaring, or more – shipping. It remains unchanged, passing through the millennium, and today it does not leave its leading position, since all international agreements and national maritime legislation that has already been adopted, perceive and reinforce its prominent role. For the effective implementation of the international and national legal framework in the field of ensuring the safety of navigation is a necessary system of special state bodies or organizations authorized by it. After all, as you know, according to the article 94 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS’82), every State takes the necessary measures apropos of ships flying its flag to ensure the safety of sea. And it is precisely in pursuance of this norm that the states joined the UNCLOS’82, establish the necessary institutional mechanism of state bodies and certified organizations for control (supervision) of compliance with the requirements for ensuring the safety of navigation. The article investigates the formation of a system of safety management systems in Ukraine in the light of the latest changes. The renewal of an effective national legal and organizational mechanism for ensuring the safety of navigation has been proposed due to the formation of an updated system of state management of maritime activity and the provision of maritime safety. The author proposes some changes in the organizational structure of the shipping safety management authorities of Ukraine with the need to consolidate the leading role of the national classification society in their structure.
Authors and Affiliations
Татьяна Плачкова, Tetiana Plachkova, Тетяна Плачкова
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