Journal Title: Ekonomia – Wroclaw Economic Review - Year 2015, Vol 21, Issue 2
The subject of my reflections in this essay are institutions. As Mises famously claimed, all institutions, including the market economy, are designed by humans – as weak and fallible as they are – and are thus by definition “imperfect" in the same way that humans are imperfect. Institutions are always an external structure to the operating entities. I distinguish three spheres of influence of institutions: the economic sphere and its associated non-market and market operating mechanisms, the property-right sphere, including communal and private rights, and the sphere of governance, ranging from autocratic to liberal. For more than 10,000 years numerous economies of different civilizations, different economic systems and countries were subjected to the action of various institutional networks. Despite the different market design mechanisms, numerous forms of ownership rights, and ways of governance, throughout the 10,000 years of history, mankind lasted and perused the goal of meeting its needs. I argue that households and the government in their quest for survival are subjected to non- market mechanism of management, while enterprise-firms -- in order to survive competition – must follow the market-based mechanism of management. I assume that within the wider concept of "technology" are located these two different mechanisms of management; the market and non-market mechanisms, and they are responsible for the differences economic dynamics of the two areas of the world: the developed capitalist regions and other economic areas living under different institutional systems.
Authors and Affiliations
Stefan Małecki-Tepicht
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