Instytucjonalna podstawa orzekania w ramach arbitrażu przymusowego

Journal Title: Studia Iuridica - Year 2018, Vol 75, Issue


The courts of modern countries do not want to use the monopoly in the area of deciding about investments or sports cases. Henceforth, in time appeared a construction of alternative forms for solving such a dispute. They constitute an open category of proceedings solving sports disputes, which are undergoing a big evolution in some countries nowadays. Their common characteristic is the interference of a neutral third party (for example an arbitrator), with a purpose to present or propose to the parties a solution of a dispute. Arbitration is often thought as a quick and efficient method for determining controversies. The modern law prescribes formal and substantive requirements for the arbitration agreement, which must be made in writing. The requirement of a written form is also satisfied if in a contract between parties, they refer to a document containing a clause with a decision to resolve their dispute in arbitration, provided that such a contract is made in writing and the reference incorporates that clause into the contract. The principal problem related to the arbitration agreement “per relationem” or “by reference” lies in the consensual character of such agreement whereas the form of the agreement has been found to be a preliminary question to this matter. In the article the author analyses the institutional basis for obligatory arbitration in past and currently. This type of arbitration may be forced by a law, a third party (e.g. international sports federation) or a party of the legal relationship.<br/><br/>

Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Wach


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  • EP ID EP401882
  • DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0012.6918
  • Views 112
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How To Cite

Andrzej Wach (2018). Instytucjonalna podstawa orzekania w ramach arbitrażu przymusowego. Studia Iuridica, 75(), 189-208.