Insurance protection of museum collections hired for temporary exhibitions

Journal Title: Annuals of the Administration and Law - Year 2015, Vol 2, Issue 0


It is important to emphasize that the insurance contract for museum collections loaned for temporary exhibitions does not need to be the adhesion contract, that means the contract agreed on the imposed by the insurer, general terms and conditions of insurance. The insurer has a right to form the contract model but is not obliged to do so, nonetheless, the museum lending the objects as the insured party and the museum borrowing the museum collections – a insurant – do not have to accept the contract with the content imposed by the insurer company. Museum collections are a special protection object, they require individually agreed insurance contract content. thus, it is important to remember the insurance protection makes sense only when it is e'ective.<br/><br/>

Authors and Affiliations

Iwona Gredka


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How To Cite

Iwona Gredka (2015). Insurance protection of museum collections hired for temporary exhibitions. Annuals of the Administration and Law, 2(0), 169-177.