Integrated management systems in the tool and cutlery industry – beyond quality, work safety and environmental management
Journal Title: Zarządzanie i Finanse - Year 2015, Vol 13, Issue 2
Nowadays, integrated management systems are well established in most of the companies of the tool and cutlery industry, even in SME. In general, the integrated management systems comprises of an environmental and a work safety management system in addition to the quality management. They enable companies to manage the different systems with less afford than managing them independently. For implementing them easily the RIF e.V. has developed an Excel-based tool within the framework of a research project. With this tool companies can carry out a self-assessment for evaluating if and to which degree they fulfill the requirements of the established standards for quality and environmental management and also for work safety. However, due to the increasing importance of the topics of sustainability and going along with it risk and energy management an advancing of the tool was necessary. Hence, requirements resulting from the corresponding standards should be integrated in the already implemented integrated management systems. The research project “Risk management considering the aspect of sustainability in SME of tool and cutlery industry” dealt with this topic. In this paper the Excel-based tool and topics and requirements resulting from the mentioned standards and their implementation into the Excel-tool are presented.
Authors and Affiliations
Sandra Klute-Wenig, Robert Refflinghaus
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