Integration of Petrophysical and Sedimentological analysis of Aouinet Ouenine Formation, in South Wafa Field (NC169a), Ghadames Basin, Libya.
Journal Title: Libyan Journal of Engineering Science and Technology - Year 2022, Vol 2, Issue 2
Geophysical and Wireline log analysis of the Middle Devonian Aouinet Ouenine F3 Sandston Member (main reservoir), in the south part of Wafa Field-NC169a (NW Libya), have been carried out on seven wells (A12,A13, A40, A41, A50, A51 & A55), in order to better understand the reservoir potential and its distribution in this region. Two cores data from these boreholes also used in this investigation. The integration of the 3D seismic results and petrophysics results from both wire line logs and core data; enable better understanding of F3-sand quality and distribution in the south part region of the Wafa gas and Oil field. The results revealed that the reservoir has lateral changes in terms of lithology and thickness, the F3 sand mapped with confident by using the seismic attribute volume in conjunction with the seismic interpretation stack volume, the lithology change from sandstone to shaly sand (pinching out) toward the south indicating bad reservoir quality interm of properties (porosity & permeability) due to increase of the shale volume and thinning of the sand part, and on the other hand better reservoir quality in term of properties and sand thickness toward North part of the study area.
Authors and Affiliations
Osama Hlal ¹*, Mohamed Sultan 2 , Mohamed Targhi2 , Mohamed Gamoudi2
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