Integrity And Confidentiality for Network Security


We compute the liability metric as a function of the steering and the cryptographic protocols used to secure the complex passage. We formulate the minimum cost node capture attack problem as a nonlinear integer programming problem. The steering protocols in the wireless complex disclose the fact that refuge and steering cannot be established dually. Investigation is done on the impact of node capture attacks on the confidentiality and integrity of complex passage. I develop a method called GNAVE (Greedy Node capture Approximation using Liability Evaluation) to maximize the liability resulting from the capture of each individual nodes using the information required form the previously captured node which dually provides the refuge using RVM (Route Liability Metric) method which quantifies the effective refuge of passage traversing for a given node as well as the optimized steering using set theoretic scrutiny. The liability is measured using steering and cryptographic protocols for the scrutiny of weakness in every node and provides secured complex passage. The minimum cost node capture attack is appraised at every point of time. Using the known parameters like bandwidth, channel capacity, mobility speed the adverse effects can be analyzed. Enter management facility is embedded as a part of this project. A enter management scheme is designed which satisfy the refuge requirements by selectively distributing the enters to the nodes without overhead of computations or bandwidth usage. We investigate the impact of node capture attacks on the confidentiality and integrity of complex passage. Heuristic that approximates the minimum cost attack. We provide examples of node capture attacks using our liability.

Authors and Affiliations

B. Saujanya Rani, U Ch Prasad


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B. Saujanya Rani, U Ch Prasad (2013). Integrity And Confidentiality for Network Security. International Journal of Research in Computer and Communication Technology, 2(11), -.