Interaction between Managerial Reporting and Managerial Decision-Making: Cause-Effect Relationships in Startups' Accounting

Journal Title: Oblik i finansi - Year 2019, Vol 1, Issue 2


The current significant transformational changes result in rapid development of IT, means of communication, and the increased information content. So, for the business entities is actual to develop managerial system aimed at swift response to corresponding challenges. Managerial reporting becomes more important since because it helps managers to make optimum managerial decisions to use financial resources of enterprise most effectively, to raise profitability as well as financial sustainability. Purpose of the article is to develop a process concerning interaction between managerial reporting system and decision-making by managers of innovative enterprise in order to form the complex understanding of startups financial status. The article solves the following tasks: to analyze problems of informational support of startups; to identify key items of the formation of accounting and analytical information to close the accounts; and to structure a process of interaction between financial reporting system and a process of decision-making by the managers of innovative enterprise. Basic problems concerning informational support of startups were studied. Key demands for the development of managerial reposting system were analyzed. The requirements for the construction of a managerial reposting system that must be documented in internal regulations were determined. A set of sequential actions was proposed to form managerial reposting system of innovative enterprise. A process of interaction between managerial reporting and managerial decision-making was represented with determination of cause-effect relationships of events and processes resulting in the increased efficiency and productivity of enterprise activity. It was revealed that forms of managerial reporting should be developed individually for each level of startup management (operational, tactical, strategic) and classified according to the degree of detail of the information, significance and efficiency.

Authors and Affiliations

Olha Usatenko, Andrii Makurin


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  • EP ID EP588966
  • DOI 10.33146/2307-9878-2019-2(84)-54-60
  • Views 179
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How To Cite

Olha Usatenko, Andrii Makurin (2019). Interaction between Managerial Reporting and Managerial Decision-Making: Cause-Effect Relationships in Startups' Accounting. Oblik i finansi, 1(2), 54-60.