Financial Issues Facing Entrepreneurs Journal title: International Journal of Empirical Finance Authors: Shamsi S. Bawaneh, Asma’a Al-kayyali Subject(s): Personnel Management, Reliability and Risk Analysis
The Conceptual Foundations of Startups: their Essence and Classification Journal title: Бізнес Інформ Authors: Natalia Sytnik Subject(s):
PROBLEMS OF DETERMINING STARTUPS INVESTMENT APPROPRIATENESS FOR IT-SECTOR DEVELOPMENT IN UKRAINE Journal title: Вісник соціально-економічних досліджень Authors: Olena Kulynych Subject(s):
Establishment of Talent Acquisition at Startups Journal title: International Journal Of Management And Economics Invention Authors: Shubham Chaturvedi Subject(s):
INNOVATIVE ACTIVITIES AND MARKET IN UKRAINE STARTUP Journal title: Международный научный журнал "Интернаука" Authors: Valeriia Loiko Subject(s):
Startups as a special organizational structure of market of innovations Journal title: Формування ринкових відносин в Україні. Збірник наукових праць Authors: A. MELNICHUK, O. MARCHENKO Subject(s):
World experience of small innovation business organization Journal title: Економічний аналіз Authors: Dmytro Ocheretnyi Subject(s):
Mitigating Risk of Failure by Expanding Family Entrepreneurship and Learning from International Franchising Experiences of Johnny Rockets: A Case Study in Pakistan Journal title: International Journal of Experiential Learning & Case Studies Authors: Jawaid A. Qureshi, Shahid Qureshi, Muhammad Asif Qureshi Subject(s):
Indian Financial System- A Study of Select Issues Journal title: IOSR journal of Business and Management Authors: Anjali Singh, Dr. K.K. Jaiswal Subject(s):
LEAN STARTUPS WITH INDUSTRY 4.0 TECHNOLOGIES: OVERCOMING THE CHALLENGES OF YOUTH ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN SERBIA Journal title: Journal of Engineering Management and Competitiveness (JEMC) Authors: Mihalj BAKATOR, Dejan ĐORĐEVIĆ, Dragan ĆOĆKALO, Milan NIKOLIĆ, Miloš VORKAPIĆ Subject(s): Management
State regulation of the informal sector of the investment mechanism of innovative activity Journal title: Право та державне управління Authors: П. С. Покатаєв, Н. А. Сорочишина Subject(s):
ВПЛИВ «РОЗУМНИХ ПРИСТРОЇВ» НА РОЗВИТОК РИНКУ МОБІЛЬНОГО ТА ВІРТУАЛЬНОГО НАВЧАННЯ Journal title: International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Economy Authors: І. Л. ТАТОМИР Subject(s):
COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES AND COMPANY’S PERFORMANCE: ANALYZING THE RELATIONSHIP Journal title: The EUrASEANs: journal on global socio-economic dynamics Authors: Subject(s):
Successful Crowdfunding Campaigns: The Role of Project Specifics, Competition and Founders’ Experience Journal title: Finance a uver Authors: Jan Janku, Zuzana Kučerová Subject(s):
Interaction between Managerial Reporting and Managerial Decision-Making: Cause-Effect Relationships in Startups' Accounting Journal title: Oblik i finansi Authors: Olha Usatenko, Andrii Makurin Subject(s): Economics, Banks and Banking, Finance and Financial Services, Marketing, Accounting, Management, Business, Finance