Interakcje z architekturą. Społeczne sprawstwo zabudowy
Journal Title: Kultura Popularna - Year 2017, Vol 2, Issue 52
The article describes the role of urban design in the theoretical prospect of the sociology of architecture. I argue that the architecture and design select people (user and tenants) using aesthetic parameter. The process of social segregation as a result of gentrification and modernization is often hidden behind the discourse around design and serves the contemporary elites. I present the point of view elaborated by Project for Public Spaces as an example of place-centered (and not design-centered) approach.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Magdalena Łukasiuk
The Rise of the House of Usher: The Landscape Chamber by Sarah Orne Jewett as a Textual Palimpsest
The paper is an analysis of an intertextual relationship between “The Landscape Chamber”, a story by Sarah Orne Jewett of 1887, and Poe’s “Fall of the House of Usher” in terms of Gérard Genette’s theory of the literary p...
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