Hercules by Walt Disney is a fairy-tale type movie that re-tells well-known greek myth about Heracles, ancient Greek hero. In this paper I try to analyze the title character in order to prove that he is a monomythical re...
The aim of the article is to point out that popular culture, in the framework of which popular song contests function, although associated with the practices, needs, experiences and traditions of ordinary people, is a fo...
Od herosa do superbohatera, od „potwora” do celebryty. Disnejowski Herkules w drodze na popkulturowy Olimp
Hercules by Walt Disney is a fairy-tale type movie that re-tells well-known greek myth about Heracles, ancient Greek hero. In this paper I try to analyze the title character in order to prove that he is a monomythical re...
Głód życia. Dwa oblicza pożerania w malarstwie René Magritte’a
Zimna wojna w popkulturze. Czołówki festiwali piosenki Interwizji i propaganda sukcesu.
The aim of the article is to point out that popular culture, in the framework of which popular song contests function, although associated with the practices, needs, experiences and traditions of ordinary people, is a fo...
Behemoth przełamuje tabu stając się elementem polskiej kultury popularnej. Analiza twórczości zespołu
Dosłowność cielesnej konsumpcji. Kanibal z Rotenburga jako tragedia