Interdisciplinarity of the science of quality 

Journal Title: Zarządzanie i Finanse - Year 2012, Vol 10, Issue 3


The objective of the hereby paper is to present the quality category in its universal dimension, as well as fundamental quality explications in particular domains (specialist ones) and mainly in the science of philosophy, economics, engineering and sociology, by attempting to provide answers to the following questions: is the general sense of quality, as the contradictory category to quantity, and as the background for interdisciplinarity of the science of quality, sufficiently recognized? Do all scientific domains reveal explicitly enough all qualitative aspects of their research areas? The significance of quality universal definition was emphasized, as the general, interdisciplinary quality theory basis, together with the importance of pioneering studies by Romuald Kolman performed in the first half of the 70s when the substantive outline of qualitology, as the science of quality, was established. Inspirations resulting from these studies contributed to distinguishing two basic areas, within the general theory of quality: qualitonomy as the descriptive section of quality theory and qualimetrics as the formal section of quality theory, dealing with the implementation of numerical methods (mathematical and statistical) in this theory. Qualitology, as the theory of a specific category, i.e. the theory of quality is still in the process of development regarding its general theoretical basics. The paper puts forward the thesis that the development dynamics of qualitology domains or branches has been, in recent years, definitely higher than in case of general qualitology. The thesis was verified based on three examples presenting an interdisciplinary nature of qualitology of usable objects. 

Authors and Affiliations

Tadeusz Borys


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How To Cite

Tadeusz Borys (2012). Interdisciplinarity of the science of quality . Zarządzanie i Finanse, 10(3), 7-23.