The analysis of the situations when the land use can change the local climatic conditions is the aim of the paper. Some examples of the human influence upon the local climate are presented. The examples concern the matte...
Reintroduction of European beaver Castor fiber in 1993 was carried out in order to accelerate the process of renaturalisation of areas previously degraded by the activity of the “Igloopol” state farm. During several year...
The research project is aimed at determining the species composition of coprophagous Scarabaeoidea, the structure of their dominance and attempting to identify potential habitats with the greatest biodiversity of these i...
EP ID EP97669
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Tomasz Kowalczyk (2011). Interesujące gatunki roślin naczyniowych Parku Krajobrazowego Doliny Sanu (Bieszczady Zachodnie). Roczniki Bieszczadzkie, 19(1),
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Degradacja i ochrona torfowisk wysokich w Bieszczadzkim Parku Narodowym
Stosunki gospodarcze we wsiach Bukowiec i Beniowa w końcu XIX wieku, w świetle opinii anonimowego rzeczoznawcy
The influence of the land use on the local climate with the special regard to the mountain areas
The analysis of the situations when the land use can change the local climatic conditions is the aim of the paper. Some examples of the human influence upon the local climate are presented. The examples concern the matte...
Geomorphic effects of European beaver Castor fiber activity in the upper valley of San River
Reintroduction of European beaver Castor fiber in 1993 was carried out in order to accelerate the process of renaturalisation of areas previously degraded by the activity of the “Igloopol” state farm. During several year...
Synanthropic dung beetles Scarabaeoidea biodiversity in the Bieszczady National Park – preliminary studies
The research project is aimed at determining the species composition of coprophagous Scarabaeoidea, the structure of their dominance and attempting to identify potential habitats with the greatest biodiversity of these i...