International mechanism to confront medical products falsification as a means to improve the quality of Ukrainian pharmacy


Aim. To develop recommendations for improving the countering of medical products falsification in Ukraine using the international mechanism to confront, which should lead to increasing the pharmacy. Results. The international mechanism for countering the falsification of medical products, as shown by the analysis of the WHO documents, the MEDIСRIME Convention and others applies to medicines (both for human and veterinary use), as well as medical devices. The use of “falsified” concept in the Ukrainian legislation in relation to medicines and other products includes, in terms of content, substandard, unregistered/unlicensed and falsified products themselves. This concept does not correspond to the international legal definition of such products. The study concluded that the institutional component of the mechanism to counter the falsification of medical products is a system of international organizations, consisting of organizations working in the field of public health, crime control and assistance in carrying out other measures to counter falsification of drugs. Ukraine, as a member of these organizations, can and should use its capabilities in this area. Organizational support, as a necessary component of the mechanism under consideration, consists in the direct activities of these international organizations in such key areas as preventing the falsification of medical products, detecting falsified medical products and responding to such facts. Conclusions. The existing international mechanism for countering the falsification of medical products is a system of informational, institutional and organizational support of states for the prevention, detection and appropriate response. To increase the efficiency of using this mechanism in Ukraine, it is necessary to unify the definition of the concept of falsified medical products with the concepts of substandard, unregistered/unlicensed and falsified medical products, which are accepted by WHO.

Authors and Affiliations

O. S. Soloviov


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  • EP ID EP658203
  • DOI 10.24959/uekj.19.24
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How To Cite

O. S. Soloviov (2019). International mechanism to confront medical products falsification as a means to improve the quality of Ukrainian pharmacy. Соціальна фармація в охороні здоров’я, 3(59), 28-34.