Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue 18
У статті проаналізовані сучасні підходи до визначення терміну «Інтернет-ЗМІ», виявлені критерії ідентифікації ресурсу як Інтернет-ЗМІ, розглянуті особливості та специфіка впливу Інтернет-ЗМІ на сучасну працездатну аудиторію під час та поза кризою. Окреслені елементи інформаційного протиборства, що використовуються у сфері Інтернет-ЗМІ, виявлені проблемні зони державної політики у сфері регулювання Інтернетресурсів. he article is devoted to the definition and criteria of the Internet media in the modern information society, in the context of information confrontation. In the article the author studies the works of domestic and foreign authors who study the problem of Internet media in the modern society. The author creates a complex term that integrally characterizes the Internet media as a resource and information weapon. The Internet network enjoys, for the most part, the socially active category of the population, which acts as a driving force in possible changes in society. At the same time, this segment of the population, through its Internet activity, becomes the object of information attacks carried out in the Internet media. The rapid growth of the Internet audience contributed to both scientific and technological development around the world, as well as the basic specificity of "new media" - a huge, almost uncontrolled by the state flow of information of any nature. For the first time, the term "new media" (which included both social media and Internet media) began to be used by Western researchers, Castells, Kelner, Crosby, and Feldman in the mid-1990s. They agree that new media are interactive electronic publications that combine the formats of presentation of information; a kind of digital media. The key features of the Internet media are multi-platform, a huge speed of information transfer, weak regulation at the legislative level, a narrow focus, an abundance of applications and advertisements on the site, specific information delivery, anonymity of users, the ability to communicate between users. Flexibility of the Internet media space makes it possible to organize sudden and massive "information attacks" with the help of the Internet media, and the number of such means is significantly overwhelmed by the means of information protection of the average user. Due to such manipulations and the use of certain phrases-cliches, the leadership of the aggressor country, media owners, editors, and ordinary journalists of online media have the ability to quickly mobilize their audience to achieve their goals
Authors and Affiliations
V. Patrushev
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