
Поняття політичної корупції визначено через призму методології неоінституціоналізму. Політична корупція охарактеризована як деструктивний політичний інститут. Акцентовано на підривному, партикулярному характері політичної корупції. Констатовано тіньовий, латентний характер корупційних практик у політиці. Аргументовано руйнівний вплив політичної корупції на стабільність будь-якої інституціональної системи. Доведено спрямованість політичної корупції на звуження публічного простору, ускладнення циркуляції еліт і створення монополізму на політичному ринку. Підкреслено рентозорієнтований опортуністичний тип поведінки політичних акторів у межах корупційних практик. Neo-institutionalism is identified as the most appropriate methodology for studying political corruption. Accordingly, political corruption is characterized by the author through the prism of political institutions, in particular - informal ones. The erroneousness of identification of informal institutions exclusively with destructive influence on the state, in consideration of the presence of different types of it (constructive, destructive) is emphasized. Political corruption is determined to be an example of destructive informal institutions. They are established on the particular norms and regulations, defending priority of separate (local) interests and values over general. An inference is drawn that political corruption stays as a denial of universalism (if basing on T. Parson's dichotomy “universalism- particularism”). It is substantiated that political corruption may be described as: ‒ the manifestation of shadow informal politics; that is latent politics (hidden, non-public, nontransparent part of the political process); ‒ the seditious mechanism, that impinges on the stability of any institutional system; ‒ the threat to the national security of the state, which stipulates informal institutionalization, further degradation of state institutions; ‒ practice directed on narrowing public space, complicating elites' circulation and creation of monopoly situation on the political market; ‒ stable type of rent-oriented opportunistic behavior of political actors, directed at the realization of own interests and acquiring of material benefits from participation in the political process; ‒ the complex of informal norms, which present in a structured fashion and stipulate actions of political actors and contradict collective ideals, goals, expressed in formal institutions. This is informal institution which supersedes formal democratically legitimized institutions, partly seizing them or fulfilling their environment, thus that is a process of substitution of formal institutions with informal institutionalization; ‒ type of political practices in the nonpublic field of communication closed from publicity; ‒ the system of social rules, usually non-written, which are created and implemented outside officially allowed channels. Mechanism of political corruption basing on both legal norms, enabling abuse and having legal gaps, and bigger on informal rules. Author's vision of political corruption is presented. It is determined as a destructive type of informal institution of seditious particular character, which stipulates the unjustified use of power resources in extra-social interests, privatization of public resources under conditions of the weakness of formal and constructive informal institutions.

Authors and Affiliations

Igor Kushnarev


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Igor Kushnarev (2017). ТЕОРЕТИКО-МЕТОДОЛОГІЧНА КОНЦЕПТУАЛІЗАЦІЯ ПОНЯТТЯ «ПОЛІТИЧНА КОРУПЦІЯ». Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія, 7(19), 172-178. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-429659