Interrelationship between Fasciola Eggs Count, Haematological Parameters, Liver and Testicular Pathology of Yankasa Rams Experimentally Infected with Fasciola Gigantica in Zaria, Nigeria

Journal Title: Journal of Veterinary Advances - Year 2014, Vol 4, Issue 7


The study was designed to determine the influence of F. gigantica and fasciola eggs on haematological parameters, liver and testicular damage in Yankasa rams experimentally infected with F. gigantica. The experimental rams were randomly assigned into (n=7) infected group and (n=5) control group. Pre-infection data were collected in both groups for 4 weeks, 5 ml of blood were aseptically collected for evaluation of haematological parameters and total protein levels. The haematological parameters prior to experimental infection were within the normal range. The infected group were orally inoculated with 800 metacercariae and monitored for 2 weeks post infection (PI) for manifestation of clinical signs. The infected rams had significant p>0.05 decreased in packed cell volume (PCV) 33.6±1.8 %, red blood cells (RBC) 4.8 ± 0.4 x106/ml, haemoglobin concentration (Hb) 11.4±0.6 g/dl, white blood cells (WBC) 6.8±0.3 x103/ml. Compared to the control rams that had (PCV) 40.4±2.2 %, (RBC) 6.9± 0.2 x106 /ml, (Hb) 13.8±0.8 g/dl, and (WBC) 5.8±0.2 x103/ml at the end of the study 12 weeks PI. The cumulative mean of total protein (5.49±0.3 g/dl) levels of the infected rams had significant p>0.05 difference compared to total protein (6.56±0.4 g/dl) levels of the control rams. There was no significant difference in the differential leucocyte count of both groups. The fasciola eggs and flukes recovered from the bile and liver tissue of the infected rams was 1850.0±650.0 and 550.0±100.36 respectively. The testicles of the infected rams revealed pericapsular hemorrhages. No fasciola eggs or flukes were observed in the control rams and no pathology observed on the testicles. This study revealed that fasciola eggs count may be a tool to determine the success of experimental infection and the estimated number of recovered flukes used in the study. It is concluded that fasciola eggs and large population of flukes had significant influence in the establishment of liver and testicular pathology in Yankasa rams.

Authors and Affiliations

D. Iliyasu , J. S. Rwuaan , N. P. Chiezey , I. U. Ate , F. M. Ballah , M. Bisallah , I. Salisu , U. Auwal , P. I. Rekwot


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D. Iliyasu, J. S. Rwuaan, N. P. Chiezey, I. U. Ate, F. M. Ballah, M. Bisallah, I. Salisu, U. Auwal, P. I. Rekwot (2014). Interrelationship between Fasciola Eggs Count, Haematological Parameters, Liver and Testicular Pathology of Yankasa Rams Experimentally Infected with Fasciola Gigantica in Zaria, Nigeria. Journal of Veterinary Advances, 4(7), 641-647.