Interstitial lung diseases – classification and diagnostic approach
Journal Title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych - Year 2011, Vol 24, Issue 4
Interstitial lung diseases are heterogenous group of disorders. The main pathology of interstitial lung diseases is located in the lung parenchyma but airspace of alveoli and bronchioli is also affected. The common feature of all interstitial lung diseases is the disseminated pattern of interstitial or airspace opacifications in the lung on chest x-ray and restrictive pattern and reduced diffusing capacity in lung function tests. Some interstitial lung diseases are caused by the environmental exposure to various mineral dusts, for example crystalline silicon dioxide can cause silicosis and fibers of asbestos can cause asbestosis. Various agents, most often organic dusts may induce allergic alveolitis. Intestitial lung disese may be the result of lung involvement in connective tissue disorders, but the majority are of unknown etiology for example idiopathic interstitial pneumonias or sarcoidosis. The modern classification of these diseases and diagnostic approach is presented.
Authors and Affiliations
Jan Kuś
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