Intramedullary Stabilization and Over-nail Lengthening as Two-stage Treatment of Femoral Nonunion with Shortening. Case Study.
Journal Title: Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja - Year 2014, Vol 16, Issue 6
Nonunion is one of the most serious complications of long bone fractures. It may be accompanied by a shortening of the segment. The authors describe the case of a 21-year-old woman with a post-traumatic nonunion with shortening of the femur. Treatment was divided into two stages: first, a previously placed nail was removed and new intramedullary stabilization was carried out while bone defects were filled with a bone graft substitute and platelet rich plasma was administered. After the nonunion had healed, the femur was lengthened over an external fixator and an intramedullary nail, resulting in equality of limb length. After eight years of follow-up, the lower limbs remain equal with a properly aligned long axis of the lower limb operated on and a full range of motion in the joints. The treatment strategy described in our article may be an alternative to one-stage surgery if the patient does not consent to it or in the presence of contraindications, but it is associated with a longer treatment time and necessity of additional surgeries.
Authors and Affiliations
Wojciech Kącki, Barbara Jasiewicz, Paweł Radło
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