Intre colaborare si confruntare. Români si ucraineni in Bucovina interbelica


The period between the two World Wars meant for Bukovina province the administrative, economic and political inclusion in Romania. This process was extremely complex and involved all economical and political forces of the province. The article presents the way in which Romanians and Ukrainians from Bukovina, during the interwar period, have agreed to cooperate and became more radical afterwards and deviated towards the extreme right wing. National-Christian Defense League was the party in which Romanians and Ukrainians have agreed to collaborate. The sensibilities of Bukovina inhabitants and the naïve superiority to the Romanian politicianism generated powerful frustration feelings, expressed in the political right extreme ideology. Most of N.C.D.L. Ukrainians members desired to form a Ukrainian state . including the Northern part of Bukovina . and this fact generated a conflict with the Romanian nationalists. The Ukrainian community from Romania didn.t have a loyal behavior regarding Romanian state but their situation was different. The Ukrainians did have yet a national state to support propaganda and themselves were very different on the matter of their state or on joining the Soviets. Another part, lured by the Bolshevik ideology, was attracted by a union project of Bukovina and Soviet Russia. The Ukrainian minority was divided but also hostile to the Romanian state. Most of its members desired to form a Ukrainian state that would also comprise the northern part of Bukovina, thus that they rapidly entered a conflict with the Romanian nationalists. Small part of it understood that it had to integrate in the structures of the Romanian state. The state authorities sought to lead a rapid Romanization policy of regions in northern Bukovina, where the majority population was the Slavic component. The reaction of minorities was to reject the national projects of the Romanian state. For more than a century, the province had been a tolerant intercultural and inter-religion space. However, this peaceful life would stop during the interwar period. Leaders of Bukovina.s N.C.D.L. as priest Iliut from Storojinetz or Nichifor Robu from Rãdãufli went through Ukrainian villages and managed to create political organizations linked with the Cuza Movement in Storojinetz and Cernowitz regions. au In 1926, 1930, 1933 or 1937 the Ukrainian population voted with the Cuza party adding to it over 10% on elections. Even during the governorate of National Christian Party the Ukrainian organizations of Bukovina allied with the extreme right wing. But the relations with the Legionary Movement were cold. With few sporadic events and exceptions, the ties between Ukrainians and Iron Guard weren.t close at all. Another arena of partnership between Romanian and Ukrainians was Cernowitz University. The nationalist Romanian students and the Ukrainian ones joined the anti-Semitic movement of the period into the university. Many times the Romanian, Ukrainian or German students found each other on the same anti-Jewish gatherings. The violence against Jews represented the radical form of common activities of nationalist students. The preliminaries of the discussions with the leaders of Ukrainian minority started very soon after the National Renaissance Front was founded between the secretary S. Dragomir and their chief Vladimir Zalozefl ki. Though the attitude of them regarding the National Renaissance Front and their position will become clearly later, more precisely, in the spring of 1939. After the Transcarpathic Ukraine was crushed in March 1939, the Ukrainian intellectuals from Bucovina were disappointed by the so called «German protectionism», which drove to the occupation of this territory. Those, being numerous in the northern part of Bucovina, tried to lower the authority of Romanian state, and promote a soviet propaganda or militating for the project of Great Ukraine. Most of them, that lived in the northern part of the country tried to diminish the authority of the state and liked the idea of an independent Ukrainian state or were soviet followers. The nationalist Ukrainian organizations have made already the plans for cooperating with the Reich for the creation of an independent state.

Authors and Affiliations

Radu Florian Bruja


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How To Cite

Radu Florian Bruja (2016). Intre colaborare si confruntare. Români si ucraineni in Bucovina interbelica. Науковий вісник Чернівецького національного університету імені Юрія Федьковича. Історія, 2(), 76-84.