Introducing English to Early Childhood (A Multi-Site Study in PAUD Terpadu Santa Maria and PAUD Terpadu Kristen Kanaan)
Journal Title: International Journal of Social Science And Human Research - Year 2024, Vol 7, Issue 01
This research aims to describe and analyze the strategies and the implementation of introducing English to early childhood. This research used a qualitative descriptive approach with multi-site design. The data collection was carried out through interview, observation and documentation. Data analysis was described in two stages, namely individual data analysis and cross-site data analysis. The results of the study show that: 1) the strategy for introducing English to early childhood is the implementation of curriculum in form of intracurricular or extracurricular; competent and trained English teachers; supporting infrastructure; involving parents and English language institutions; decorating classes with English ornaments; training English to teachers; parents help provide facilities for students and interact in English with their children; using teaching materials which packaged in an interesting and familiar way. 2) The introduction of English is planned by the English teacher, the homeroom teacher and the PAUD principal; taking into account the students' characteristics and school conditions in planning; English teacher involved homeroom teacher and assistant teachers in learning activity; the English teacher uses multidirectional interactions and nonverbal behavior; Evaluation consists of the student evaluation, teacher’s reflection, and supervision of the PAUD principal. 3) Supporting and inhibiting factors of the introduction to English in early childhood include curriculum, number and quality of English teachers, school facilities and infrastructure, English-speaking environment at school and at home, attractively packaged teaching materials, and mother tongue.
Authors and Affiliations
Fitria Aulia Shalehah, Aslamiah, Asniwati
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