Introduction of Computer Simulation Models in Experimental Physiology in IST M.B.B.S
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 3
Abstract: Animal experiments were conventionally a part of teaching in undergraduate physiology in India. Need was felt to design computer based simulation software as an alternative to animal use due to growing concern and stringent laws imposed by animal ethical bodies. The medical council of India had also advocated use of computer aided simulation models for animal experiments in recent amendments. Hence, the onus to bring the change lies on us as teacher. Aim and Objectives: 1. to assess effectiveness of computer simulation models in teaching of experimental Physiology as compared to conventional interactive demonstration. 2. To evaluate feedback of students regarding perception of teaching with computer simulation models in experimental Physiology. Methodology: A written informed consent to participate in the study was taken from the available students (n=227) of first MBBS (Batch of 250). The students then were subjected to Pre test comprising of MCQ and SAQ tests. Thereafter they were randomly divided into two equal groups. Control group (n=114) was taught by conventional demonstrations of experimental Physiology while test group was taught by computer simulation models. Post test of both the groups comprising of MCQ and SAQ was taken .Marks of pre and post assessment test were compared. Summary of results: The results of the present study showed that the computer simulation teaching method is an effective method of teaching as compared to conventional method of teaching. Majority of the students felt that the computer simulation session is a good way of teaching from various point of views and all of them agree that it is necessary in medical education from 1st MBBS. Conclusions: We conclude that teaching by the computer simulation method better achieves the desired outcome of understanding the fundamental concepts of Neuro-Muscular physiology experiments as compared to conventional method and are regarded as highly effective learning tool. Keywords:Animal Experiments, Undergraduate Physiology, Conventional interactive demonstration, Computer simulation models
Authors and Affiliations
Jitendra Kumar Gupta, Nivedita Gupta, Kapil Gupta, Shivankan Kakkar, Umesh .
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