Intuition and rational thinking in management

Journal Title: International Journal of Contemporary Management - Year 2012, Vol 11, Issue 4


The purpose of this article is to present the role of intuition in contemporary management practices. Main philosophical and managerial views and concepts dealing with the intuition in management processes are presented – from old philosophers to present time authors. Some definitions concerning intuition are provided together with their philosophical background. The emphasis has been placed on some crucial issues of management and their possible links to intuition. One of the examples is the relation between intuition and the deci-sion making process. Some managers, especially those who achieved sort of spectacular success like to say that their intuition helped them in making right decisions leading to the final success; others, sometimes, blame themselves for lack of intuition when, in their post factum opinion, it would be helpful. Lack of intuition is perceived as a main barrier on the way to achieve success.The other important topic connected with intuition and described in the article concerns the popular differentiation between male’s and female’s intuition. As it seems, there are no scientific evidences stating that the gender has real impact on the decision making process in the managerial practice although the scientifically proved difference between male and fe-male brain has been mentioned.Last but not least, the problem of the relations between the intuition and the tacit knowledge and experience, has been presented. It seems that those two concepts are closely linked.The title of the article suggests that intuition and the rational thinking are not consistent. But this is not the only possible conclusion which can be taken into consideration. There are almost as many ideas about this problem as the number of authors who deal with it in their scientific research and writing.The author of the article does not pretend to conclude what role, if any, plays the intuition in management, because, based on the presently available scientific results, it can not be rationally and empirically clearly proved. Thus, in author’s opinion, this relation is not evident - in none of possible directions. As well as the existence of the intuition itself.

Authors and Affiliations

Jolanta Szaban


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How To Cite

Jolanta Szaban (2012). Intuition and rational thinking in management. International Journal of Contemporary Management, 11(4), 11-20.