Investigation of educational processes with affective computing methods

Journal Title: e-mentor - Year 2017, Vol 70, Issue 3


This paper concerns the monitoring of educational processes with the use of new technologies for the recognition of human emotions. This paper summarizes results from three experiments, aimed at the validation of applying emotion recognition to e-learning. An analysis of the experiments' executions provides an evaluation of the emotion elicitation methods used to monitor learners. The comparison of affect recognition algorithms was based on the criteria of availability, accuracy, robustness to disturbance, and interference with the e-learning process. The lessons learned in these experiments might be of interest to teachers and e-learning tutors, as well as to those researchers who want to use affective computing methods in monitoring educational processes.

Authors and Affiliations

Agnieszka Landowska, Grzegorz Brodny


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  • EP ID EP328055
  • DOI 10.15219/em70.1304
  • Views 44
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How To Cite

Agnieszka Landowska, Grzegorz Brodny (2017). Investigation of educational processes with affective computing methods. e-mentor, 70(3), 15-24.