Investigation of teachers and teacher candidates' opinions about assessment of preschool children
Journal Title: Erken Çocukluk Çalışmaları Dergisi - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 2
In this study, before and after they become teachers, the views of preschool teacher candidates on knowledge, skills and practices regarding child assessment and evaluation were determined. This study utilizes qualitative research method, and interview technique was used to obtain data. The study group consists of 20 preschool teacher candidates who are senior students at a public university’s department of preschool education. As data collection tool, 8 open-ended questions were designed and asked to participants. Among study group, nine teachers who work as teachers were volunteered to participate in the study. Four open-ended questions were transmitted to them electronically and descriptive analyses of all obtained data were conducted. As a result of the study, it was found that teacher candidates generally think that they have sufficient level of knowledge regarding assessment and evaluation. Teacher candidates also stated that the knowledge they gain during undergraduate education will contribute to child assessment in their teaching profession. However, participants’ views have changed when they became teachers and they have started to question their competencies.
Authors and Affiliations
Ozana Ural, Gülçin Güven, Türker Sezer, Elif Yılmaz, Kadriye Efe-Azkeskin
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