Investigation of the Nuclear Structure Properties of 60Co via Phenomenological Approach

Journal Title: Cumhuriyet Science journal - Year 2017, Vol 38, Issue 4


In the present paper, the nuclear structure properties of 60Co were investigated by using the Hartree-Fock method with Skyrme forces, such as the binding energy per particle, the root-mean-square (rms) nuclear charge, proton, neutron radii and charge, proton, neutron density distributions as a function of radius via HAFOMN code. The bulk and surface contributions to neutron skin thickness were analyzed by results obtained from proton and neutron density distributions. The calculated results were compared with the experimental results in the literature. Additionally, proton, neutron, deuteron, triton, he-3 and alpha separation energies of 60Co were determined by Talys code. Because, these separation energies can be used for nuclear reaction, r-process and skin behavior of nuclei.

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  • EP ID EP488329
  • DOI 10.17776/csj.363311
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How To Cite

Ozan ARTUN (2017). Investigation of the Nuclear Structure Properties of 60Co via Phenomenological Approach. Cumhuriyet Science journal, 38(4), 98-104.