Investigator’s Personality as a Problem of Legal Psychology

Journal Title: Право і безпека - Year 2019, Vol 72, Issue 1


The author of the article has revealed own position regarding the psychology of an investigator’s personality on the basis of the modified organizational and activity concept of a law enforcement officer’s personality, developed by A. M. Stolyarenko. It has been emphasized that the organizational and activity concept of an investigator’s personality was substantially developed and improved by national specialists in the field of legal psychology. It has been noted that there are a number of fundamental and applied researches of the personality’s professional genesis of the personnel of various services and units of the Internal Affairs Agencies and the National Police, its adaptability, reliability, competence, stress resistance, etc. The psychology of an investigator’s personality is considered as a structured and hierarchical system. Three main areas – directionality, operationality and modulation have been specified in the inner world of an investigator’s personality. The structural components of an investigator’s personality have been analyzed; where the author has singled out the following: professional orientation, professional competence, cognitive sphere, biopsychic and psycho-physiological qualities of an investigator. The author has studied the professional and psychological profile of an investigator’s personality, which has the following characteristics: normativity of behavior, group conformality, emotional stability, openness to interaction, practicality, trust, high self-control, straightforwardness, rigidity, courage and self-confidence. The content of typical scenarios of future investigators (“professional dynasty”, “child genius”, “deceleration”, “compensations”) have been considered in details. The author has studied the concept of individual style of professional activity, which is understood by the author as a set of professional methods, techniques, technologies of activity, inherent only to a specific personality. The author has made conclusions on the directions of further legal and psychological study of the problem of an investigator’s personality.

Authors and Affiliations

V. Medvediev


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  • EP ID EP632098
  • DOI 10.32631/pb.2019.1.13
  • Views 107
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How To Cite

V. Medvediev (2019). Investigator’s Personality as a Problem of Legal Psychology. Право і безпека, 72(1), 97-103.