Investment activity as a tool for increasing of the farm competitiveness

Journal Title: Економіка АПК - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue


The purpose of the article. There've been explored an es¬sence of investments, investment resources and investment activity. Research methodology. In the research process, the fol-lowing methods have been used: monographic, statistical, logical comparison, graphical. Research results. The influence of investment activity as an instrument of formation and increase of competitiveness is substantiated, features of formation investment activity of domestic farms as an organizational and legal form in Ukrainian agricultural business are highlighted, presented the statistical data about modern financial state support of farms as the largest group of domestic agricultural enterprises, determined dependence of farms’ competitiveness and its rising from investment activity, proposed the mechanism of investment activity of farmers, analyzed foreign experience for institutional and methodological support of investment and improve competitiveness of farm as the main producer of quality food products. Elements of scientific novelty. It’s innovative to adapt farm characteristics to its possibilities to introduce its investment activity as a tool for the formation and increasing of competitiveness in the market competitive environment of agricultural producers. Practical significance. As a practical conclusion has been noted the necessity of state support in relation to the methodological and institutional provision of farm investment activity as a family form of agrarian entrepreneurship. Figs.: 2. Refs.: 21.

Authors and Affiliations

Yuliia Avramenko


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How To Cite

Yuliia Avramenko (2018). Investment activity as a tool for increasing of the farm competitiveness. Економіка АПК, 1(), 84-92.