Investment attractiveness of land plots on the example of Chornobayiv settlement community of Zolotoni district of Cherkasy region
Journal Title: Scientific and Industrial Jornal "Land Management, Cadastre and Land Monitoring" - Year 2023, Vol 40, Issue 4
It is substantiated that in order to ensure the investment attractiveness of land and the realization of capital investments, it is necessary to conduct a systematic analysis of the current state of land use, taking into account the consequences of the war and the priorities of recovery. A review of publications containing the results of research into the issue of investment attractiveness of land, including agricultural land, was reviewed. The structure of land, water resources, agro-industrial complex of Chornobayiv settlement community of Zolotonsky district of Cherkasy region was analyzed. The structure of the soil cover of the territorial community is given. Factors of investment attractiveness of the territory of the research object are systematized: investment objects, geolocation, natural resources, business infrastructure, community budget, regulation of land use and profitability of agricultural production. The financial approach, risk analysis, strategic approach, comparative analysis, scenario analysis, environmental and social approach are used to assess the investment attractiveness of land resources. It is emphasized that the intensity, duration and prevalence of military actions, as a negative factor, can affect the investment attractiveness of an administrative-territorial unit in different ways. Taking into account the proposed approaches to assessing the investment attractiveness of land resources, the following predictive changes are taken into account, such as investment attraction, economic development, infrastructure improvement, increased tax revenues and the impact of military actions. In total, this made it possible to determine the level of investment attractiveness of the studied territory.
Authors and Affiliations
Y. Dorosh, O. Sakal, R. Kharytonenko, Y. Riabova
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