(Ir)responsibility for future generations - us and the life of those to come or to miss
Journal Title: ROZPRAWY UBEZPIECZENIOWE. Konsument na rynku usług finansowych. - Year 2018, Vol 28, Issue 2
The current and forecasted image of the demographic processes and condition of the socio-economic order of the West (evident e.g. the in case of pension systems based on intergenerational solidarity) calls for thorough reflection. Not only potential, but also increasingly real economic problems in this area indicate that the possibility of serious conflicts and tensions within Western civilization is growing. To analyze and diagnose this developing crisis one needs to look “under the surface” of current social phenomena and processes and draw attention to fundamental cultural shifts. These are the background of such challenges as the advancing depopulation of Western countries. The question that lies behind these, which deserves thorough reflection, is the problem of responsibility for future generations and the related crisis of solidarity. The paper aims at exploring these issues.
Authors and Affiliations
Michał A. Michalski
Scientific Review: Joanna Rutecka-Góra (Ed.), “Długoterminowe oszczędzanie. Postawy, strategie i wyzwania” [Long-term saving. Attitudes, strategies and challenges], Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH, Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw 2016, 354 pages
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