Is Globalisationa Representation of Leadership Havoc in Developing Countries? The View of Modern Kiswahili Novelists: Said A. Mohamed and W. K. Wamitila
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue 7
Abstract: Globalisation is a phenomenon that for a long time, different literature authors have portrayed as an agent of rapid development. These developments are perceived to be eminent in economic, political and social arena of people. Success of these developments depends on leadership structure in place. However, some modern Kiswahili novels have taken a new twist in expressing the same concept by using postmodern techniques. These techniques which include; blackhumor, magic realism, pastiche among others, have complicated the understanding of roles of leadership in globalisation in developing countries, making it unclear. Furthermore, the intention of using these techniques has added more confusion than clarification. This study therefore, reviewed critically how postmodern techniques have constructed the role of leadership in developing globalisation and the intension of the authors towards the same. The research used Postmodernism theory: it deconstructs and refutes many aspects and guidelines that were upheld during the modernist era. The methodology involved library study and the sampling procedure was purposive. The novels studied included: Wamitila’s,and Mohamed’s novels; Bina-Adamu!,Musaleo!, Dunia Yao and BabuAlipofufuka!. Data analysis was done using content analysis method. Ultimately, the researcher used literary criticism and analysis to study these novels. It was evident that leadership styles are influenced by integration of ideas, culture and values of developed countries. This integration is the cause of tragedy to common citizens in developing countries. Furthermore, their intentions about leadership and globalisation were strongly evident in the use of figurative language and the techniques of expression. Keywords: Globalisation, leadership, Mohamed and Wamitila, developing countries, developed countries.
Authors and Affiliations
Alomo Seth Ochieng, Prof. Wendo Nabea, Dr. Gwachi Mayaka
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