Is titanium can be a potential allergen?

Journal Title: Implantologia Stomatologiczna - Year 2014, Vol 1, Issue 9


Of the many biomaterials used in dentistry, titanium and its alloys stand out due to their high levels of biocompatibility, which in turn is a consequence of their strong resistance to corrosion and their capacity for osseointegration with bone tissue. However, more and more studies are appearing in the world literature that suggest that this metal may, just like other alloys, release ions into tissue surrounding titanium prostheses. The present study looks at the latest papers that discuss the influence of titanium and its alloys in cases of both successful and unsuccessful treatment.

Authors and Affiliations

Ryszard Koczorowski, Monika Hemerling-Powidzka


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How To Cite

Ryszard Koczorowski, Monika Hemerling-Powidzka (2014). Is titanium can be a potential allergen?. Implantologia Stomatologiczna, 1(9), 58-60.