Історіографія приватизаційних процесів у Великій Британії за урядування М. Тетчер у 1979-1990 роках


The article summarized and systematized documentary and historiographical sources of the privati-zation process in the UK government in times of conservative government under Margaret Thatcher. Used different genres historiographical sources of domestic and foreign origin, memoirs, collective and individual monographs, historical essays, political biographies, articles and specialized intelli-gence information pressed. Based on this study the concept of historiography problem causes "neo-conservative revolution", its theoretical basis, the state of the British economy for dominance keysi-anskoyi economic model British model of privatization of periods, forms, tools pozytive and negative side, the possibility of borrowing the British privatization experience in Ukrainian realities.

Authors and Affiliations

Victoria Punko


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How To Cite

Victoria Punko (2016). Історіографія приватизаційних процесів у Великій Британії за урядування М. Тетчер у 1979-1990 роках. Історико-політичні проблеми сучасного світу, 33(), 328-337. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-203618