IT technologies used in remote teaching of employees of the SME sector
Journal Title: Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie - Year 2018, Vol 39, Issue 3
The aim of the article is identification and classification of IT instruments used in remote teaching and discuss, especially these applications. They have use in regard to corporate e-learning. The assumption was approved that achievement of high teaching efficiency is possible only due to matching TI tools to the e-learning object and elements. The research methods were used to accomplishment such a presented purpose: analysis of research results of predecessors and expert assessment of TI tools used in corporations. In particular, the development of information technology in remote teaching was presented. In addition, LMS and LCMS systems were characterized to ensure efficient and effective carrying out a training course in e-learning mode. The article also shows a discussion about the concept of remote teaching, corporate e-learning. At the same time, the importance of this process for socioeconomic development of the country was emphasized. The stages of development (generations) of information technologies used in remote teaching were determined and forms of training in e-learning mode were presented. At the end of the article, the problem less known to a wider circle of readers is highlighted. Namely, limiting nonpublic knowledge in the remote teaching process – this is an important factor in acquiring knowledge by various organizations. By communicating more and more information, the Internet and other IT tools. They create ever-growing sets of secret knowledge – which strongly affects the quality of the information provided.
Authors and Affiliations
Michał Kozioł, Leszek Kałkowski, Radosław Pyrek
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