Юридическое значение согласия пациента на медицинское вмешательство, повлекшее его гибель или причинившее ему тяжкие увечья
Journal Title: Revista Națională de Drept - Year 2017, Vol 9, Issue 203
The patient's agreement for surgery does not release the doctor from tragic consequences
Cu privire la posibila neconstituționalitate a unor amendamente recente operate în Codul penal și în Codul contravențional. Partea I
In this article it is argued that several recently made amendments to the Penal Code and the Contravention Code by means of Law no.193/2016, would contravene the provision of par.(2) art.23 of the Constitution of the Rep...
Методика расследования врачебных преступлений против жизни и здоровья пациентов
In the process of medical crime investigation are used a set of scientific and practical recommendations elaborated by criminology science, medical-legal science and the practice of concrete investigations.
Principiile interacțiunii în cadrul procesului penal
In our article, we briefly describe the principles of cooperation on the criminal matters, because its role is undisputedly important for national authorities. In this research, we intend to give an overall view of the m...
Unele particularități ale restabilirii documentelor judiciare dispărute în procesul penal din Republica Moldova
During the criminal trial or after finalization, the judicial bodies may find out directly or may be notified of the disappearance of judicial documents of a criminal case or even of the whole file. As the disappearance...
Subiectul infracțiunilor de neglijență în serviciu (art.329 din Codul penal). Partea II
In this study it is argued that the person managing a commercial, public or other non-governmental organization cannot be the subject of the offences provided by art.329 PC RM. It is established that a commercial organiz...