Изменчивость показателей плюсовых деревьев кедра сибирского по семенной и стволовой продуктивности в Сибири [Variability of cedar siberian plus trees indicators on seed and stem productivity in the conditions of Siberia]


The phenotypic variability of Cedar Siberian plus trees in stands of Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Irkutsk, Chita, Krasnoyarsk regions, Republic of Altai and Tyva was analyzed. Trees are certified on the stem and seed productivity in order to preserve valuable gene pool and their reproduction. Considerable variability of trees by age (90-260 years), height (14-38 m), trunk diameter, crown diameter, number of cones was marked. The maximum average height trees(30.2 m) are selected in the Altai Republic and Irkutsk region, trunk diameter (70.4 cm) is in the Kemerovo region, the diameter of the crown -in the Novosibirsk region. About 264-1020 pcs of cones are formed at in the crown of plus trees in the Tomsk region. Maximum multi-year specific energy of seed productivity from individual trees is 14.0-14.7 cones/cm in the forest areas of Tomsk Region, the length of cones vary from 7.2 to 9.5 cm, diameter is from 4.3 to 5.1 cm, mass of cones vary from 44.0 to 64.1 g, number of seeds per cone is from 98 to 170 pcs. By the nature of the bark the trees were divided into the following groups: deep form of furrow (44%), shallow form of furrow (22%), flat form of furrow (22%), middle form of furrow (12%). The ratio between the mass of seeds and cones of plus trees was 50.4-78.2%. A close bond (r = 0.784-0.883) between the mass of cones and their length, number of seeds per cone, a mass of seeds was set. The plus trees selected for seed production in the stands of Kolyvan forestry of Novosibirsk region had the long-term seed-specific energy ranging from 4.5 to 10.2 buds / cm. The average number of cones in the crown ranges from 203 to 470 pieces, length of cones – from 6.3 to 8.5 cm, the number of seeds per cone - from 94 to 122 pieces. The number of cotyledons of the embryo varies up to 10-14 pieces. The variability in size of seeds, embryos in the cone is characterized by low and middle levels. The average length of cones of plus trees in the Irkutsk region ranges from 5.6 cm to 7.4 cm, the number of seeds per cone - 80-90 pieces, the weight of 1000 seeds – from 250 to 292 g. The selection and breeding of plus trees will save genotype of valuable instances which will allow to restore Cedar populations, to create planned plantations.

Authors and Affiliations

Rimma Matveeva, Olga Butorova, Natalia Bratilova


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How To Cite

Rimma Matveeva, Olga Butorova, Natalia Bratilova (2016). Изменчивость показателей плюсовых деревьев кедра сибирского по семенной и стволовой продуктивности в Сибири [Variability of cedar siberian plus trees indicators on seed and stem productivity in the conditions of Siberia]. Наукові праці Лісівничої академії наук України, 14(), 67-71. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-199167