Посівні якості насіння сосни звичайної у лісових насадженнях Житомирщини [Quality indicators of scots pine seeds in the forest plantations of Zhytomyr region]
Journal Title: Наукові праці Лісівничої академії наук України - Year 2016, Vol 14, Issue
The quality indicators of compatible seed lots of Pinus sylvestris L. have been studied based on the analysis of medium-sized samples from the Forest Seed Laboratory of Vinnytsia during 2006–2015. The quality indicators of seeds have been analyzed for purity, weight of 1000 seeds, germination, energy of germination and pathogen contamination. Analysis of quality indicators of seed from permanent forest seed base has been done separately. We have found that in forest plantations of Zhtomyr region of Ukraine the quality of Pinus sylvestris L. seeds is high. The average value of a specie seeds technical germination is 84,2–93,5%. Among the 653 compatible lots the seeds of I, II and III quality classes are distributed as follows: 40,6%, 44,2% and 14,7% respectively; the substandard seeds reach only 0,5%. The total mass of homogenous parts of seeds was from 1452 to 2946 kg during the period of investigation, which is primarily connected with productivity over the years and the weather conditions on the flowering stage, pollination and seed maturation. The intensive productivity of pine seeds is every 2-4 years and very rare in conditions of the Zhytomyr region. About 653 Scots pine seed lots of total weight of 22492 kg was harvested by forestry enterprises of Zhytomyr region over the last 10 years. The 139 lots of 4372 kg total weight where harvested from forest tree breeding seeds objects. Depending on the seed productivity of the year on the fa-cilities of seed objects annually harvest 300-400 kg of seeds. The harvesting vol-umes of pine seeds was increased to 700 kg per year during the last two years. The intensity of harvested seed was increased from forest tree breeding objects in range 12-18% and increased to 28-30% of total harvested seeds for the last two years (2014, 2015). Increasing the weight of harvested seed from forest tree breeding objects during the last two years can be explained by high yield years and the beginning of mass production from these objects that were created in previous years. Seeds of objects of permanent forest seed base characterized by high qual-ity. Thus, the seed class 1 set 34%, 2 class - 54% and only 12% of seeds 3 class overall quality from quantity. No cases of harvesting seeds from objects of permanent forest seed base, that would not meet the standard. Expansion of the existing permanent forest seed base improve its position and increase the genetic level enables to provide forestry enterprises with high seed sowing qualities and valuable properties in genetic and breeding terms.
Authors and Affiliations
Zenoviy Yrkiv
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