The primary function of the Internet memes is to deliver current information together
with comments in the most attractive form, usually serving the broadly defined entertainment.
Indirectly they function as news – on th...
The analysis of the process of creating, delivering and receiving the contents of news
functioning in media requires taking into consideration a broad cultural context defined by
the contemporary discourse of information...
The author examines repeated in the texts of popular culture theme of monsters of
varying shapes. She argues that their monstrosity is not about frightening appearance, but
about the loss of form. The examples of monster...
The article focuses on W.B. Yeats’s early critical and theoretical writings with a view
to demonstrating the poet’s idea of poetical culture as a means towards moulding the identity
of Ireland outside the polarity of Eng...
Plutologia klasowego fałszu i fantomowi bohaterowie
News jako mem (na przykładzie fanpage’u Sztuczne Fiołki)
The primary function of the Internet memes is to deliver current information together with comments in the most attractive form, usually serving the broadly defined entertainment. Indirectly they function as news – on th...
Kulturowe konteksty funkcjonowania newsów
The analysis of the process of creating, delivering and receiving the contents of news functioning in media requires taking into consideration a broad cultural context defined by the contemporary discourse of information...
Monstrualność jako operacja. Filozoficzna analiza bezformia na przykładach tekstów kultury popularnej
The author examines repeated in the texts of popular culture theme of monsters of varying shapes. She argues that their monstrosity is not about frightening appearance, but about the loss of form. The examples of monster...
Społeczność wiary i ironii: (proto)postkolonialne wątki we wczesnej eseistyce W.B. Yeatsa
The article focuses on W.B. Yeats’s early critical and theoretical writings with a view to demonstrating the poet’s idea of poetical culture as a means towards moulding the identity of Ireland outside the polarity of Eng...