The article discusses the popularity of instapoets and related phenomena. The author studies the problems regarding the critical reception of the work of poets active on social media, reconstructing the arguments of vari...
The fusion of art and science doesn’t need to beconfusing for viewers. It shouldn’t be too easy either.Installations created by PrzemysławJasielskipropose an experimental intervention into realityusing nonsense technolog...
Homely Spaces: Readings of Homeliness in American Culture
Gwiazdy poezji? Popularność instapoetek i pokrewne zjawiska – próba rekonesansu
The article discusses the popularity of instapoets and related phenomena. The author studies the problems regarding the critical reception of the work of poets active on social media, reconstructing the arguments of vari...
Gdzie i jak długo „żyje” blogowy post? Blogi w kulturze remiksu
O sednie terminu „social media” // „Web 2.0” a sprawność użytkowników w „generowaniu treści”.
Technostalgia, kontrola i ironia. Nonsense technologies w sztuce Przemysława Jasielskiego
The fusion of art and science doesn’t need to beconfusing for viewers. It shouldn’t be too easy either.Installations created by PrzemysławJasielskipropose an experimental intervention into realityusing nonsense technolog...