Javelin feeling - its structure, signicance, conditions and development in the opinion of the advanced athletes
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2009, Vol 19, Issue 45
[b]Introduction[/b]. In the entire preparation of the javelin thrower to the competitions the “javelin feeling” occupies a special place. It is an integral component of the content of the sport technique, that is of its ”internal image of movement”. The notion has not been defined so far, but it functions in the training process and it plays a crucial role in the achievement of record results. Therefore, the purpose of our investigation was to: 1. Attempt to define the “javelin feeling”. 2. Establish the initial structure of the feeling. 3. Define some of the conditions of its development.[b]Material and methods[/b]. The research was conducted on 23 individuals (including 12 women) specializing in javelin throws, from different sport clubs in Poland. In the investigation the following was applied: a questionnaire, a set of special fitness tests, a pedagogical experiment.
Authors and Affiliations
Włodzimierz Starosta , Tomasz Jonak
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