Jednostka samorządu terytorialnego jako inwestor instytucjonalny w spółkach komunalnych
Journal Title: Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue
The aim of this study was to examine the effects of early repayment of consumer credit in the form of a proportional decrease (reduction) of the total cost of the loan according to the period of which the contract has been shortened (loan period), with the consequence by the consumer to entitle him to special privileges of early repayment consumer credit (art. 48 UKK). This has become particularly important in the context of the emerging doubts regarding the interpretation of Article. 49 of the Act on consumer credit, due to the recent position of the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection and the Financial Ombudsman in this case. The author, based on the structure of the Consumer Credit Act and other legal institutions provided for therein, taking into account the viability interpretation nature of consumer law and its place in the legal system, presents and justifies the interpretation pro-consumer of Article. 49 of the Act on consumer credit. It consists in the fact that in case of early repayment of consumer credit by the borrower is entitled to a claim for reduction of all possible costs of such a loan, make up the total cost of the loan, regardless of their nature and regardless of when those costs were actually incurred by the consumer – the borrower, in proportion to shorten the term of the loan. The presented method of interpretation of this provision, expressed concern for ensuring efficient and effective protection of the consumer borrower.
Authors and Affiliations
Kazimierz Barwacz
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