Joanna Getka, U progu modernizacji. Ruskojęzyczne drukarstwo bazyliańskie XVIII wieku, Warszawa 2017, 252 s.
Journal Title: Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia - Year 2018, Vol 6, Issue
Authors and Affiliations
Irena Mytnik
Irena Mytnik
Термін „конфлікт” серед інших понять негармонійного ускладненого спілкування
This article deals with the basic terms and concepts that are used to refer to non-cooperative dialogue, their relationship and compliance with current trends in the study of discourse. Dissociation of the term “confl ic...
Псалмодія Тараса Шевченка у компаративних студіях
The contemporary phase of the investigation of the religious sources of Taras Shevchenko’s art is not a well analysed aspect of literature studies, even though Biblical motifs in the works of this Ukrainian poet are stil...
Українські літописи як джерело формування фразеологічного арсеналу ідіостилю Пантелеймона Куліша
This article is about a source of phraseological units which were identifi ed in Panteleymon Kulish’s linguistic creativity. The language valuation of Kulish’s writings in the Ukrainian language of different historical p...
Jak motywować? Techniki skutecznej motywacji w pracy ze studentami studiów ukrainistycznych
This article attempts to answer the question – how to motivate learners? The study group consisted of Ukrainian studies students. This paper presents techniques of eff ective motivation particularly emphasizing the role...
Історико-літературні концепції Леоніда Білецького
This article investigates critical literary and methodological concepts of the Ukrainian letters history suggested and developed by the Ukrainian diaspora scholar Leonid Bilets’kyi (1882-1955). The author of this article...